Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More


Pierce Brosnan is an actor and film producer from Ireland. He was born on May 16, 1953, and is currently 68 years old. He is best known for playing the iconic character of James Bond in the James Bond film series, making him the fifth actor to take on this role.

With his charming looks and impressive acting skills, Brosnan quickly became a fan favorite as Bond. However, his talents go beyond espionage, as he has starred in numerous other films and television shows. Brosnan’s career has spanned over several decades, and he has become one of Hollywood’s most recognizable and respected actors. 

Quick Info

Name Pierce Brosnan
Age  71 years old
DOB May 16, 1953
Net Worth $200 million.
Profession  Acting
Nationality Ireland.
Wife Cassandra Harris And Keely Shaye Smith

Who is Pierce Brosnan?

Pierce Brosnan is a famous Irish actor. He was born on May 16, 1953, in Drogheda. When people think of Pierce Brosnan, many remember him as the calm and brave spy James Bond. He played this role in movies and became very popular. Pierce didn’t just act as James Bond; he has also been in many other movies.

He is known for his excellent acting and has been in the movie business for a long time. Besides acting, Pierce Brosnan also helps make movies, which means he is a film producer. He has received a special honor, being called an OBE, which means he has done great things in acting. Pierce Brosnan has done a lot of good work in movies and by helping others. He cares about making the world a better place.

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Early Life 

Pierce Brosnan was born in a small town called Drogheda in Ireland. When he was a little boy, his dad left, and his mom moved to work in another country. Pierce stayed with his grandparents and later with other relatives. The school was hard for him because he missed his mom a lot.

Despite these challenges, Pierce found joy in drawing and acting. He loved to create art and perform, which helped him feel happier. As he grew up, Pierce realized he wanted to be an actor. This dream led him to study acting later in life, setting the stage for his future success.

Pierce Brosnan Age

Pierce Brosnan, born on May 16, 1953, in Drogheda, Ireland, has journeyed through an illustrious career spanning decades, marking his presence as one of the most iconic actors of his time. As of 2024, Brosnan has reached the age of 71, a milestone that reflects not just the years but the breadth of experiences and achievements he has garnered over his lifetime.

His age embodies a testament to his enduring appeal and the diverse roles he has portrayed, from the suave and sophisticated James Bond to the multifaceted characters in his other cinematic endeavors. Brosnan’s longevity in the entertainment industry is a rare feat, showcasing his adaptability and the timeless quality of his talent.

Despite advancing years, Brosnan continues to captivate audiences with his performances, proving that age is but a number when it comes to pursuing one’s passions and contributing artfully to the world of cinema.

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Pierce Brosnan Career

Pierce Brosnan has had a big job as an actor. He started acting in plays and TV shows. After a while, people started noticing how good he was. This helped him get more prominent roles in movies. One of his first famous roles was on a TV show called “Remington Steele.” This show was about a detective, and many people liked watching it. Because Pierce did so well in this show and other parts, he got the chance to be James Bond.

Being James Bond made him even more famous around the world. But Pierce didn’t stop there. He also acted in many other movies, not just as James Bond. Some of these movies tell funny stories, while others are about exciting adventures or touching moments. Pierce loves acting and has worked with other actors and directors to make great movies. His acting job shows how much he loves to tell stories and bring characters to life.

Pierce Brosnan Wife

Pierce Brosnan has been married two times. His first wife was Cassandra Harris. She was an actress, and they got married in 1980. Sadly, Cassandra passed away in 1991. Later, Pierce married Keely Shaye Smith in 2001.

Keely is a journalist, and they have been together since then. Pierce and Keely have two children. They seem pleased and love to spend time together.

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Becoming James Bond

Pierce Brosnan became James Bond in 1994. Before this, he acted in other movies and TV shows. People liked him because he was good at acting. To become James Bond, he had to be calm and brave. Pierce worked hard and finally got the part.

As James Bond, he went on adventures, stopped terrible guys, and saved the day. He made four James Bond movies. Fans all over the world loved him as James Bond. This role made him very famous.

Notable Roles Beyond Bond

After playing James Bond, Pierce Brosnan acted in many other movies, which showed how good he was at acting. He was in a film called “Mamma Mia!” where he sang and danced. People liked seeing him in a fun and happy role. He also acted in “The Thomas Crown Affair,” where he played a clever, sneaky man who steals art.

This role differed from James Bond, but Pierce did a great job. In another movie, “Dante’s Peak,” he played a scientist who helps save people from a volcano. These roles let Pierce show he can play all kinds of characters, not just as a spy like James Bond.

He enjoys trying new things in acting and working on movies that tell different types of stories. Pierce Brosnan is more than just James Bond; he is a talented actor who can make any role memorable.

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Awards and Recognitions

Pierce Brosnan has won many awards because he is an outstanding actor. He got a special award called the Golden Globe. This is a big deal because people think you did well in movies or TV shows. Pierce won this for being funny and making people laugh in a movie. He also got awards from different places around the world.

These awards are like saying, “Good job, Pierce! You’re great at acting.” Sometimes, they give him prizes when he goes to film festivals, too. This is because lots of people like his movies. Pierce even got an honor from the Queen of England!

She made him an OBE, a way of saying thank you for being so good in drama and movies. It’s not just about being famous; these awards show that Pierce works hard and does his best to make good movies. People enjoy what he does, and that’s why he gets these awards.

Pierce Brosnan Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Net Worth and Financial Ventures

Pierce Brosnan is a very successful actor from Ireland, and he has a lot of money because of his hard work in movies and TV shows. His net worth, which is the total amount of money he has, is around $200 million. This significant amount comes from acting and making movies and other business stuff he’s involved in.

Pierce has been in many films and played the role of James Bond, which made him very famous and helped him earn more money. Besides acting, he also works on projects that make movies, which adds to his wealth.

Plus, he participates in ads and endorsements, where companies pay him to use his image to sell their products. This all adds up to make his net worth high. 

Pierce Brosnan Education

Pierce Brosnan went to an acting school called the Drama Centre London. He learned a lot about how to be a good actor there. This school is in a big city in England. Pierce worked very hard and studied many things about acting.

His teachers helped him learn to play different characters in plays and movies. Going to this school was an essential part of becoming an actor. It helped Pierce get ready for all the acting jobs he got later, like being James Bond and other movie roles.

Pierce Brosnan Height Weight

Pierce Brosnan is a tall man, standing about 6 feet 1 inch tall, the same as 1.86 meters. He weighs around 196 pounds, which is also 89 kilograms. His height and weight helped him look perfect in his movie roles, mainly when he played James Bond.

Being tall and having a solid build made him ideal for the role of a spy who is both intelligent and brave. Pierce takes good care of himself to be healthy and does his best in acting. His appearance has always made him so liked by fans, and he is good at his job.

Social Media Presence

Pierce Brosnan is popular on the internet, too. He uses social media to share parts of his life with his fans. Pierce has accounts on websites where people can post pictures and messages. He posts photos of his family, his travels, and sometimes the work he does to help others.

Pierce also shares old photos from his movies, including when he was James Bond. His fans like to see these pictures and learn more about him. They can even leave comments on his posts to tell him what they think.

Pierce sometimes talks about important things on social media, like caring for our planet. By using the internet, Pierce Brosnan stays connected with people who like watching his movies and want to know what he’s doing now.


Like many famous people, Pierce Brosnan has had moments when people were upset or didn’t agree with him. However, Pierce has mostly avoided the big troubles you hear about with some celebrities. There was a time when some people did not like how a movie he was in showed the world.

They thought it was not right or fair. Pierce listened to what they said and talked about it. He understands you must be careful when showing stories and people in movies. Also, there was talk about the kinds of products he advertised.

Some people thought he shouldn’t support certain things because they weren’t good for the environment or health. Pierce cares a lot about our planet and health, so he thinks about these things now. He tries to choose better and help more. Pierce Brosnan works hard to be a good person, not just a famous actor.


How old is Pierce Brosnan?

He’s 71 years old now.

Was Pierce Brosnan James Bond?

Yes, he was James Bond in four movies.

Has Pierce Brosnan won any significant awards?

He has won awards like the Golden Globe and got an honor called an OBE.

Does Pierce Brosnan have kids? 

Yes, he has children. He has been married twice and has kids from both marriages.

What else did Pierce Brosnan act in besides James Bond?

He acted in many movies, including “Mamma Mia!” and “The Thomas Crown Affair.”

 How tall is Pierce Brosnan? 

He is about 6 feet 1 inch tall.

What does Pierce Brosnan do to help others?

Pierce Brosnan is involved in charity work and helps improve the world by supporting various causes.

Mysticbeing Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Boyfriend & More


In the end, Pierce Brosnan is a very talented actor who has done a lot in movies and on TV. He’s famous for being James Bond and playing many roles that show he can act in many ways. People all over the world like watching him. Pierce is also kind and tries to help others and improve the world.

He has a big family that he loves very much. Plus, he has worked hard and earned much money from acting and making movies. Pierce Brosnan teaches us that if you work hard and care about others, you can do great things and be loved by many people. He has lived an exciting life, showing that being kind and talented can take you far.

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