Abraham Quiros Villalba Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Abraham Quiros Villalba Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Abraham Quiros Villalba is an essential figure in the financial technology industry; you likely have heard of her. She was born in Madrid, Spain, and has already made a name for himself in the business world as the mastermind behind numerous innovative fintech solutions.

His cutting-edge concepts have revolutionized traditional financial transactions, elevating the industry to new heights. In this blog post, we will examine his life, career, net worth, and personal relationships, giving you an insight into the fascinating world of Abraham Quiros Villalba.

Quick Info

Full Name Abraham Quiros Villalba
Place of Birth Madrid, Spain
Date of Birth July 7, 1997
Age 27 Years old

Who is Abraham Quiros Villalba?

Abraham Quiros Villalba is a very important person in finance technology, which means he works with money and computers to make new things that help people with their money. He was born on July 7, 1997, in Madrid, Spain. This means he is from a place where they speak Spanish and have a rich history.

Abraham is known for being smart and creating Tododisca, a successful company that makes it easier for people to manage their money using technology. He has become very popular because of his ideas and how he has changed how people think about and use their money with the help of computers and the Internet.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Wife & More

Early Life

Abraham Quiros Villalba grew up in Madrid, a big, busy city in Spain. As a kid, he liked learning about computers and their work. He was also very interested in solving problems and helping people. From a young age, Abraham knew he wanted to do something important with technology.

He spent a lot of time studying and learning all he could. This helped him a lot later in life when he started making new things to help people with their money.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Age

Abraham Quiros Villalba was born on July 7, 1997. This means that as of 2024, he is now 27 years old. Being 27 means Abraham has spent many years learning and working hard to become good at what he does in finance and technology. It’s cool to think about everything someone can do and achieve by age 27, just like Abraham has!

The Career Path of Abraham Quiros Villalba

Abraham Quiros Villalba started his job journey with a big goal. He wanted to improve the world by working on projects that help our planet. In 2020, Abraham began working at a company called Tododisca. This was a big change for him. At Tododisca, he mixed his love for talking and writing with his wish to help people with disabilities.

He believed everyone should have the same chances to use money services easily. This new path showed how much he cared about making things fair for all people. His work here made a lot of people notice him. He used technology to create new ways for people to handle their money, especially for those who found it hard before. Abraham’s job is not just about making money; it’s about making life better for others.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Education

Abraham Quiros Villalba went to a school after high school that was very special because he got help to go there since he was very smart. This school is called the University of Costa Rica. It’s a big place where people learn about many different things.

At this school, Abraham decided to learn a lot about electrical engineering. He studied how to use electricity and make things like computers and other daily gadgets. He learned how to solve big problems using science and math. This helped him later when he wanted to make new things to help people with their money using technology.

Abraham Quiros Villalba’s Noteworthy Achievements and Awards

Abraham Quiros Villalba has earned a lot of praise and several awards for his hard work. He was honoured with a prestigious award for “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” because of his brilliant ideas and the company he started. This award is given to young people who have done something amazing in business.

Abraham also received a special award for “Innovation in Finance,” showing that his new ways of handling money and making it easier for everyone to use banking services are groundbreaking.

At a big event celebrating the best in technology, Abraham’s company, Tododisca, was recognized as one of the “Top 10 Startups to Watch.” This means that important people in the business world think Tododisca is doing great things and has a bright future. These awards show that Abraham is not just good at what he does; he’s one of the best, and others are starting to notice his hard work and smart ideas.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Net Worth

Abraham Quiros Villalba has worked hard and has been very smart with his ideas, especially with his company, Tododisca. His efforts and smart thinking have helped him earn a lot of money. Right now, in 2024, Abraham Quiros Villalba’s net worth, which means the total amount of money he has, is about $1 million.

This is a lot of money! Imagine all the things someone could do or buy with $1 million. Abraham reached this point because he never gave up on his dreams and always looked for ways to help people with his technology. This shows that being creative and wanting to make a difference can lead to success.


The Personal Side of Abraham Quiros Villalba

Abraham Quiros Villalba is not just a name in the business and tech world; he also has hobbies, dreams, and a life outside of work. When he’s not thinking about new ways to help people with money, Abraham loves to spend time with his family and friends. He enjoys playing soccer, a big sport in Spain, and reading books that make him think in new ways. Abraham believes it’s important to have a balance between work and fun.

He also likes to travel and learn about different cultures and places. Travelling gives him new ideas and helps him understand the world better. Even though Abraham works a lot, he takes time for these things because they make him happy and inspire him.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Height and Physical Attributes

Abraham Quiros Villalba is tall, standing at 6 feet 9 inches. That’s much taller than most people! He weighs about 63 kilograms, which is light considering his height. His body measures around 34-25-35 inches, which tells us about the size of his chest, waist, and hips.

These numbers give us an idea of what his body shape is like. Abraham’s height makes him stand out in a crowd, and his slim build makes him move easily and quickly, especially when playing soccer, a sport he enjoys. His physical traits, like his height and build, are just one part of what makes Abraham interesting, but they make him unique in the world of finance and technology where he works.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Wife

Abraham Quiros Villalba is not married right now. He doesn’t have a wife. Abraham is very busy making new technology and helping people with his ideas. He spends a lot of time working on his projects and thinking about how to solve problems. Even though he is not married, Abraham has a lot of friends and family who support him.

He loves spending time with them when he is not working. Abraham believes it’s important to care for the people close to him and ensure they are happy. He hopes to have a family someday, but his main focus is on his work and improving the world with his technology.

Abraham Quiros Villalba Parent

Abraham Quiros Villalba grew up in a loving family. His parents played a big part in shaping who he is today. They always supported his dreams and helped him learn a lot. 

They were happy to see him do well in school and later in his career. Abraham’s parents are proud of all he has done and continue to cheer him on in his journey. They are very important to him and have helped him become who he is.

Social Media Presence

Abraham Quiros Villalba is very active on social media. He loves to share parts of his life and work online. You can find him on Instagram, where he posts pictures of his travels, fun times with friends, and some of the cool projects he is working on. Abraham also has a YouTube channel. Here, he shares videos about how to be smart with money and sometimes about the technology he creates.

On Facebook, Abraham likes to talk with people who follow him. He shares news about his work and things that inspire him. On Twitter, Abraham tweets his thoughts and updates about his projects. He uses these social media sites to connect with people worldwide and share his love for technology and making a difference in the finance world.

Future Projects and Ambitions of Villalba

Abraham Quiros Villalba has big plans for the future. He wants to make even more tools and apps to help people use their money easily. Abraham dreams of making his company bigger and helping it reach more countries.

He also wants to teach kids about how to be good with money. Abraham always thinks about using technology to solve problems and improve the world. He’s excited to keep working on new ideas that can help lots of people.


Playing Soccer: Abraham loves to play soccer. It’s his favourite sport. He plays it with his friends and family whenever he gets the chance. 

Reading Books: He enjoys reading a lot. Books help him learn new things and think in different ways.

 Traveling: Abraham likes to visit new places. Travelling lets him see how people live in other parts of the world.

 Learning About Cultures: He’s interested in how people in different places do things and what they believe in. 

Spending Time with Family and Friends: Being with the people he loves is very important to Abraham. They have fun together and support each other.

Playing Video Games: Sometimes, he plays video games to relax and have a good time. It’s a fun way to take a break from work.


Who is Abraham Quiros Villalba?

He’s a guy who works with technology to make handling money easier for everyone. He creates cool stuff that helps people with their finances.

How old is Abraham?

Abraham is 27 years old, which means he’s been learning and working for quite some time!

What did Abraham make?

He started a company called Tododisca, which is all about making it simpler for people to manage their money using technology.

Where did Abraham go to school?

He studied at the University of Costa Rica, where he learned much about electrical engineering, which helped him create amazing tech solutions.

Has Abraham won any awards?

Yes, he’s gotten awards for being a top young entrepreneur and for his innovations in finance, which means many people think he’s doing great work.

Is Abraham married?

No, he’s not married. He’s busy with his work, creating new technologies and helping people.

What does Abraham like to do for fun?

When he’s not working, he enjoys playing soccer, reading, and travelling to learn about different cultures and get new ideas.

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In closing, Abraham Quiros Villalba is an inspiring person who has done a lot in finance and technology. His work has changed how we handle money and helped people all over. With his big dreams and smart ideas, he plans to do even more good stuff in the future.

Abraham teaches us that working hard and thinking of others can lead to great success. He’s a role model for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world.

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