Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

Allen Leech is an Irish actor best known for playing the character of Tom Branson on the popular TV show Downton Abbey. He has also gained recognition for his outstanding performances in theatre productions. 

Allen Leech has become a household name in the entertainment industry and continues to captivate audiences with his performances. This Article examines Allen Leech’s Bio, Age, career, Net Worth, and education.

Quick Info

Name Allen Leech
Age 43 years old
DOB May 18, 1981
Net Worth £4 million.
Profession Actor
Nationality Ireland
Wife Jessica Blair Herman

Who is Allen Leech?

Allen Leech is a famous Irish actor. He was born on May 18, 1981, in a place called Killiney, in County Dublin, Ireland. People know him because he acts in movies and TV shows. 

He is very good at acting and has been in many plays too. Allen has many fans who love watching him perform. His charismatic persona and dedication to his craft have allowed him to capture the hearts of many. His small and big screen work continues to amaze his audience.

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

 Early Life

Allen Leech was born in a beautiful place in Ireland. As a young boy, he grew up dreaming of becoming an actor. He loved watching movies and playing roles in his favourite shows. Allen went to school just like other kids, where he also liked to be in school plays.

This is where he started showing his talent in acting. His family and friends saw that he was good at it and supported him. Even when he was little, Allen worked hard because he knew he wanted to be on TV and in movies one day. This early start helped Allen become the great actor we know today.

Allen Leech Age

Allen Leech was born in a beautiful place in Ireland called Killiney, which is in County Dublin. His birthday is May 18, 1981. Thinking about how old he is can be like doing a math problem. Since it’s now 2024, we have to count the years from when he was born until now.

So, if we take 2024 and subtract the year he was born 1981, we find out that Allen Leech is 43. That means he has been around for more than four decades, living his life, acting, and becoming the person many people enjoy watching on TV and in movies.

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

Allen Leech’s Net Worth

Allen Leech has done very well in his acting career. He has been in many movies and TV shows. Because he is a good actor, he makes money when he acts. People are often curious about how much money he has. Allen Leech’s net worth is around £4 million.

This means he has earned a lot of money because of his hard work in acting. Having this amount of money shows that Allen has been very successful. It also means he can buy things he needs or wants and help his family. Remember, Allen didn’t get all this money quickly; acting in different roles took many years.

Allen Leech Career

Allen Leech started acting in a big play called “A Streetcar Named Desire” in 1998. This was the first time he acted as a professional, meaning he worked as an actor. Then, in 2003, he was in his first big movie, “Cowboys & Angels.” In the film, he played a character named Vincent Cusack.

This role was necessary because many people saw him act in a movie for the first time. A few years later, Allen had a big chance to act on a TV show called “Rome.” It was on HBO, a channel where many people watch shows. On “Rome,” he played Marcus Agrippa in 2007.

This role was unique because the show was about old times in history, and his character was essential. Allen Leech has done a lot of acting, from plays to movies and TV shows. He shows how good he is at becoming different characters each time he acts.


Allen Leech Wife

Allen Leech shared the happy news in February 2018 when he told everyone he would marry Jessica Blair Herman. Jessica is also an actor, just like Allen. They met and fell in love, which is a beautiful part of their story. Jessica has acted in different shows, so she knows what it’s like to be in the acting world, just like Allen.

Their engagement was a special moment, showing they wanted to spend their lives together. They support each other in their acting careers and life. Sharing the same job as actors helps them understand the hard work and excitement that comes with it. They make a great team and look forward to making happier memories together.

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

 Allen Leech Education

Allen Leech went to two schools to learn many things before becoming a famous actor. First, he went to St Michael’s College in Dublin. Dublin is a big city in Ireland where he grew up.

At St Michael’s College, he learned many different things, like you do in school. He studied hard and made lots of friends. After finishing there, Allen decided he wanted to learn even more. So, he went to a vast and vital school named Trinity College Dublin. This college is one of the best places in Ireland to learn.

At Trinity College, Allen studied drama and theatre because he loved acting. This means he spent a lot of time practising how to be an actor and learning about plays and movies. These schools helped Allen become the great actor we see in movies and on TV today.

Allen Leech Parents

Allen Leech has a mom and a dad named Kay and David Leech. They come from Ireland, just like Allen. Kay and David always wanted the best for their son. They saw how much Allen liked acting, even when he was tiny. So, they helped him follow his dream.

They went to his school plays and clapped the loudest. When Allen told them he wanted to be a real actor on TV and in movies, they said, “Go for it!” They knew he had a special gift. Allen’s parents were happy to see him happy.

Even now, as Allen acts in big shows and movies, Kay and David are super proud of him. They taught Allen to work hard and be kind. Allen says thank you to his mom and dad for helping him become the actor he is today. They are a big reason why he loves acting so much.

Allen Leech Height Weight

Allen Leech is tall, standing at 5 feet and 10 inches high. That means he is taller than many people, and you might look up to him if you stood next to him! He weighs 66 kilograms, which is just suitable for someone his height. Allen has brown hair and brown eyes.

His hair and eye colour match, which is typical for many people. Knowing his height and weight helps us imagine how he might look in real life, especially if we have only seen him on TV or in movies. 

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

Allen Leech Siblings

Allen Leech isn’t the only child in his family. He has siblings – two brothers and one sister. Their names are Simon Leech, Greg Leech, and Ali Leech. Having brothers and a sister means Allen grew up with playmates right in his home. They had much fun together, playing games and acting out stories.

Just imagine the adventures they could have had, exploring and creating their little world. Allen’s brothers and sisters are an essential part of his life. Even though we might not see them on TV like we do Allen, they share a special bond as a family. Simon, Greg, and Ali have their own story, but they make up the Leech family team.

Allen Leech Movies

Allen Leech has been in many movies that have made people sit up and take notice. One of his first big movies was “Cowboys & Angels,” where he played a character named Vincent Cusack. This movie helped people see how good he is at acting. Then, he was in “The Imitation Game,” a significant movie many folks discussed.

In this film, Allen acted as an intelligent man who helped solve puzzles during a big war. People liked his work in this movie. Allen didn’t stop there. He also appeared in “Bohemian Rhapsody,” where he played Paul Prenter, who was friends with the famous singer Freddie Mercury.

This movie was about music and had many people singing along. Allen’s roles in these movies show he can play many different types of characters. From an intelligent man in a war to someone in the world of rock and roll, Allen Leech brings stories to life on the big screen. Kids and adults enjoy watching his movies because he makes the characters feel real.

Allen Leech Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Education, Height, Wife & More

Social Media Presence

Allen Leech likes to share parts of his life and work on the internet so everyone can see them. He uses websites like Instagram and Twitter. On these sites, he posts pictures and talks about the movies he’s in, the fun things he does, and sometimes about his family and friends. Allen’s fans enjoy these posts because it helps them feel closer to him, even though they might live far away.

They can see what new movies he’s working on or what he likes to do when he’s not acting. Allen also uses social media to talk about things he cares about, like helping others or being kind. People who like Allen Leech can follow him online to keep up with his adventures and learn more about his life outside of movies and TV shows.


Playing Soccer: Allen loves to kick a soccer ball around by himself or with friends. It’s a fun way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. 

Listening to Music: Whether rock, pop, or classical, Allen enjoys listening to different kinds of music. It helps him relax and sometimes even inspires him for his acting roles. 

Reading Books: Allen loves to read. Whether it’s a thrilling mystery or an exciting adventure story, reading books is one of his favourite ways to spend time. 

Cooking: Allen likes to try cooking new recipes in the kitchen. It’s like being a chef, mixing ingredients to make delicious meals for family and friends. 

Hiking: Exploring nature by going on hikes is something Allen enjoys. It’s a great way for him to see beautiful places and get some exercise. 

Watching Movies: Allen is an actor, so it’s no surprise he loves watching movies too. He enjoys seeing different stories come to life on the big screen, and it’s also a way for him to learn from other actors.


What movies has Allen Leech been in?

Allen Leech was in movies like “Cowboys & Angels,” “The Imitation Game,” and “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Who did Allen Leech marry?

He married Jessica Blair Herman, who is also an actor.

How tall is Allen Leech?

Allen Leech is 5 feet and 10 inches tall.

Where is Allen Leech from?

He’s from Killiney, County Dublin, Ireland.

How old is Allen Leech?

As of 2024, Allen Leech is 43 years old.

What did Allen Leech study in college?

He studied drama and theatre at Trinity College Dublin.

Does Allen Leech have any siblings?

Yes, he has two brothers, Simon and Greg, and a sister named Ali.

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Allen Leech has shown the world what a great actor he is through his hard work and talent. From his early days acting in school plays to big movies and TV shows, he has come a long way. Allen’s journey teaches us that following our dreams, just like he followed his dream of acting, can lead to amazing things.

Not only is he a talented actor, but Allen is also a loving husband and a caring brother, proving that he values family just as much as his career. With each movie or show, Allen brings joy to people who watch him.

His story encourages us to work hard and be kind, reminding us that we can achieve our goals with dedication. Allen Leech is more than just an actor; he inspires many, showing that dreams can become reality if we believe in ourselves and never give up.

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