Who is Jenny Taborda? Age, Height, Boyfriend & Achievements

Who is Jenny Taborda? Age, Height, Boyfriend & Achievements

Jenny Taborda is a famous AV actress, model, and social media star who has captured everyone’s attention with her beauty and fantastic content. She has become a sensation online because of her lovely personality and stunning appearance. People love watching her videos and following her on social media.

Jenny Taborda significantly impacts the internet with her charm and talent. This Article looks At Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Boyfriend, & More.

Quick Info

Full Name Jenny Taborda
Profession Social media personality and Model
Date of Birth November 25, 1998
Jenny Taborda Age 26 years old
Nationality Colombian
Place of Birth Colombia

Who Is Jenny Taborda?

Jenny Taborda is a well-known AV actress, model, and social media star born in Colombia on November 25, 1998. She has gained much attention because of her beauty and fantastic online content.

Many people admire her and enjoy watching her videos and following her on social media platforms. Jenny Taborda is a popular online figure who has become famous for her talent and charm.

Who is Jenny Taborda? Age, Height, Boyfriend & Achievements

Early Life

Jenny Taborda was born in a beautiful place called Colombia on November 25, 1998. Growing up, Jenny was a happy and curious child. She loved to play, explore, and learn new things every day. Jenny was also interested in art and music, drawing, and listening to songs.

Her family was very supportive and encouraged her to follow her dreams. This support helped Jenny become the successful person she is today.

Jenny Taborda Age

Jenny Taborda was born on November 25, 1998, in Colombia. In 2024, she is 26 years old. Despite her young age, she’s already become famous in social media and modeling. Many people know and admire her work. Jenny Taborda has achieved a lot quickly through her talent and hard work.

People love to follow her online and see what she’s doing next. She’s a role model for many aspiring models and influencers. 

Jenny Taborda Career

Jenny Taborda began her career journey at the young age of 20. She quickly became a known face in her field. Jenny worked hard and shared her talents online, where many people saw what she could do. She started as an AV actress and model, and her work caught the eye of many fans worldwide.

Jenny also became a star on social media. She shared bits of her life and work here, making even more people like and follow her. Jenny’s mix of beauty, talent, and hard work helped her stand out and make a quick name for herself in the industry. Her career growth shows that starting young and staying focused can lead to great success.

Who is Jenny Taborda? Age, Height, Boyfriend & Achievements

Jenny Taborda Educational Journey

Jenny Taborda’s journey in education began in her hometown. She first went to a local school that was close to her house. This is where she learned all her basic subjects like reading, writing, and math. Jenny was a curious student who always wanted to know more. After finishing her studies at her local school, Jenny decided to continue.

She joined a college named Bergen Community College. At college, Jenny studied many different subjects. She attended classes, did her homework, and learned new things daily. This time at college helped Jenny grow both in knowledge and person. It was an essential part of her life that helped her prepare for her future career.

Jenny Taborda Net Worth Unveiled

Jenny Taborda’s money story is interesting. As of 2024, she has saved up $200,000. How did she do it? Jenny worked in movies and modeled for photos. Plus, she shared parts of her life online. People liked what she did and followed her.

This helped her earn more money. Jenny also got money from ads and selling stuff that fans wanted. All her hard work in different jobs added up to $200,000. Jenny’s story teaches us that doing what you love can bring money.

Jenny Taborda Height & Weight

Jenny Taborda is 5 feet 5 inches tall. This means she is about as tall as the average woman. Her hair is black, which looks very pretty. She has brown eyes that many people think are lovely. Jenny’s body measures 33 inches around her chest, 25 inches around her waist, and 34 inches around her hips.

These numbers tell us she is very fit. Jenny likes to stay healthy and works hard to keep her body in good shape. People who watch her videos and see her pictures can see how much she cares about being healthy. Jenny’s height and her body measurements are part of what makes her unique in her modeling and acting.

Jenny Taborda Boyfriend & Husband

Jenny Taborda keeps her love life very secret. She does not talk about it much on the internet or with fans. She may have a boyfriend or a husband. Jenny believes some things are unique and should be kept just for herself.

She chooses not to share this part of her life with everyone. People respect her choice and still follow her for her work and the fun things she shares. Even without knowing about her love life, fans love Jenny for who she is and the joy she brings through her videos and photos.

Parent & Sibling

Jenny Taborda likes to keep her family life private. This means she only shares a little about her parents or if she has brothers or sisters. We know that her family was very supportive when she was growing up. They helped her follow her dreams.

Jenny has said her family is essential but chooses not to discuss them online. This keeps her family life just for her, away from everyone else’s eyes. We respect Jenny’s choice to keep these parts of her life to herself. So, we don’t know much about her mom, dad, or any siblings she might have.

Before Fame

Before she became famous, Jenny Taborda was just an ordinary girl from Colombia. She loved to play outside, draw pictures, and listen to music. Jenny has always dreamed of doing something big, but she doesn’t know how. She went to school like other kids and enjoyed learning new things.

Even then, Jenny liked sharing her fun activities with her friends. She was creative and loved to imagine stories. Jenny’s early days were full of joy, creativity, and dreams. She worked hard and was always kind to everyone. This is how Jenny started on her path to becoming a star.

Who is Jenny Taborda? Age, Height, Boyfriend & Achievements

Social Media Presence

Jenny Taborda is very active on social media. Jenny has many people who follow her online. She has 25,000 followers on Instagram who like to see her photos and stories. She only follows six people but has shared 59 posts with her fans. Jenny also has a YouTube channel.

Over 2,449 people have subscribed to watch her excellent videos. She likes to post fun stuff there, too. On TikTok, Jenny shares short, entertaining videos. A lot of people, 145,300 to be exact, enjoy watching these. Jenny uses these social media sites to connect with her fans and share parts of her life and work.

Achievement and awards

Jenny Taborda has earned some fantastic awards for her work. She’s been praised for being a great model and AV actress. Jenny has stood out at events where people celebrate the best in her field because of her talent. She’s won awards that show she’s good at what she does. For example, she got a prize for being one of the best new stars in her industry.

This was a big deal because it meant many people noticed how hard she worked and how great she was on camera. Besides this, Jenny has also been celebrated on social. Media platforms where her creative posts have grabbed attention. Even though we can’t list all her awards, it’s clear that Jenny is fantastic at her job, and people enjoy her work.


Like many people who are famous on the internet and in movies, Jenny Taborda has had times when people disagreed with her or were upset about something she did or said. It’s normal when you have a lot of people watching what you do. Sometimes, things need to be understood, or people may have different opinions.

Jenny handles these situations with care and talks to her fans honestly. She believes it’s essential to listen and learn from each other. Even when there are disagreements, Jenny works hard to maintain a positive attitude, focus on her work, and be a good role model for her followers.


Jenny Taborda loves doing many fun activities when she is not working. Here are some of her favorite hobbies: 

Painting: Jenny loves to paint. She uses bright colors to create pictures of things she sees and imagines. Painting helps her relax and feel happy.

Dancing: Dancing is another hobby Jenny enjoys. She likes to move to the rhythm of music. It makes her feel free and alive. 

Reading: Jenny spends lots of time reading books. She enjoys stories that take her on adventures to new and exciting places.

Hiking: Being outdoors and walking in nature is something Jenny loves. Hiking lets her explore new areas and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. –

Cooking: Jenny likes to cook tasty dishes. She tries new recipes and enjoys sharing the food with her friends and family.

Listening to Music: Music is important to Jenny. She listens to many kinds of music. It helps her relax and sometimes gives her ideas for her paintings and dances.

These hobbies show that Jenny has a creative and adventurous spirit. She loves to learn, explore, and create beautiful things.


What does Jenny Taborda do?

Jenny is an AV actress and model prominent on social media.

How old is Jenny Taborda?

She was born on November 25, 1998, which makes her 26 years old in 2024.

Where is Jenny Taborda from?

She comes from Colombia.

How tall is Jenny Taborda?

Jenny stands 5 feet 5 inches tall.

Does Jenny Taborda have a boyfriend?

She keeps her love life private, so we don’t know.

What did Jenny Taborda study?

Jenny went to Bergen Community College for her studies.

How much money does Jenny Taborda have?

As of 2024, Jenny has saved up $200,000 from her work.

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In the end, Jenny Taborda has done a lot of amazing things. She’s famous on the internet, in modeling, and in acting. Jenny has shown that anyone can reach their dreams with hard work and passion. She keeps some things private, like her family and love life, which is okay.

Jenny has many fans who like her a lot. She keeps working hard and staying healthy. Jenny’s story is inspiring and shows us to keep chasing our dreams.

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