Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Timothy Shalloway has quickly become one of the most talked-about actors in Hollywood. With his charming personality and undeniable talent, he has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. His full name is Timothy Hal Chalamet, but he’s often called Timothy Shalloway.

Timothy’s performances are exciting, and he’s become a favorite among movie lovers everywhere. In this blog post, we will delve into the life and career of Timothy Shalloway, from his early beginnings to his current success and everything in between.

Quick Info

Real Name Timothy Shalloway
Nick Name Timothy Chalamet
Famous As Actor
Age(as of 2024) 28 years
Birthday 27 December, 1995
Birthplace  New York City
Zodiac Sign Leo

Who Is Timothy Shalloway?

Timothy Shalloway, also known as Timothy Hal Chalamet, is a well-known American actor. He was born on December 27, 1995, in New York, United States. Timothy has become famous for his roles in movies and TV shows. He’s known for bringing characters to life with his acting skills.

Kids who love movies might recognize him from his work. Timothy’s performances are enjoyed by people all around the world. He’s talented and has a bright future ahead in the entertainment industry. Fans eagerly await his following projects, eager to see him shine on the big screen again.

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Early Life

Timothy Shalloway was born in New York City on December 27, 1995. He grew up in a loving family with his parents and older sister. As a young boy, Timothy loved acting and was always part of school plays. He enjoyed watching movies and dreamed of being an actor one day.

Timothy worked hard and followed his passion for acting, which led him to become the famous actor he is today. He always remembers his roots and his journey to reach his dreams.

Timothy Shalloway Age

Timothy Shalloway was born a long time ago, in 1995. That year may seem old or not too long ago, depending on your age! He was born right after Christmas, on December 27. Imagine having your birthday so close to Christmas! Because he was born in 1995, and now it’s 2024, Timothy is 29 years old.

That means he’s been around for a bit, but he’s still pretty young, especially in the big world of movies and TV shows. So, when you watch him on screen, remember that he’s been acting and working for some time to get as good as he is now.

Timothy Shalloway Career

Timothy Shalloway began his journey in the world of acting in 2008. He started small, appearing in short films like “Clown” and “Sweet Tooth.” These projects were just the beginning of a fascinating career. His big break came with a movie called “Call Me By Your Name.” This was a love story and was filled with many beautiful moments.

Timothy played a vital role in this film, and his acting was so good that many people worldwide noticed him. This movie helped him become even more popular and showed everyone how talented he was. 

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Timothy Shalloway Height & Weight

Timothy Shalloway is not very tall or short; he stands at a height many people think is perfect for an actor. He is 5 feet 8 inches tall. That’s like stacking around eleven and a half average-sized school books on each other! Timothy weighs about 68 kilograms, like a large dog’s weight.

He has brown eyes that many fans love because they sparkle when he smiles or acts in his movies. His hair is black, which looks great with his eye color and makes him stand out on the big screen and in pictures. Timothy’s height and weight help him play different roles in movies, from a young hero to a thoughtful character in a drama.

Timothy Shalloway Education

Timothy Shalloway went to two schools when he was growing up. First, he went to a school called MS 54 Booker T. Washington Middle School. This is where he learned a lot of things before going to high school. After finishing there, he went to Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. It’s a big name, but it’s a particular school where students learn about art, music, acting, and dancing.

Timothy liked acting a lot, so attending this school was perfect. It helped him improve at acting and understand more about performing in front of people. This school is known for assisting students in becoming excellent in arts, and Timothy was one of those students. He worked hard and learned much about acting, which later helped his career. Going to these schools was essential to his life and helped him follow his dream of being an actor.

Timothy Shalloway Net Worth

Timothy Shalloway has earned quite a bit of money thanks to his acting. People often wonder how much money he has. Timothy’s net worth, which means all the money he has after paying for things he needs, is around $3 million. That’s a lot of money! Imagine all the video games, toys, and candy you could buy with that much money.

Timothy made this money by being good at acting in movies and shows. He gets paid every time he acts in a film or a TV show. The better he is at acting, the more money he makes. So, Timothy’s hard work and talent in acting have helped him earn millions of dollars.

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Timothy Shalloway, Girlfriend & Wife

Timothy Shalloway has a girlfriend named Lily-Rose Depp. She is also an actress and comes from France and America. They both act in movies and enjoy spending time together. Timothy and Lily-Rose like to keep their life private, so they don’t share everything with the world.

They have been seen together at events and in pictures. People think they are a good match because they love acting and understand the movie world. They do not talk much about their relationship but care about each other. They support each other’s work and are happy together.

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More

Parent & Sibling

Timothy Shalloway’s family is exciting and talented, just like him. His dad’s name is Marc Chalamet. Marc and Timothy’s mom, Nicole Flender, is known for creating beautiful spaces as an interior designer. This means they make rooms look nice and cozy. Nicole a so has another job as a real estate agent. This is a person who helps people buy and sell their houses. So, Timo Hy’s mom is super busy with two big jobs.

Timothy also has an older sister. Having an older sister means someone was there to share childhood memories, like birthdays and holidays. His sister must have seen Timothy grow up and follow his dream of becoming an actor. I’m just going to line up with having an entire family of creative people! They have a lot of exciting and fun conversations at home—Timothy’s family supports him, helping him become the great actor we know today.

Before Fame

Long before Timothy Shalloway became a famous actor, he was just a regular kid who loved to act. Even when he was young, Timothy would be in school plays and act out stories at home. He didn’t start as a star but worked hard to become good at acting. Timothy spent much time learning how to behave by being in plays and taking acting classes. He also watched a lot of movies to see how other actors performed.

This helped him understand what makes a good actor. Even though he’s famous now, Timothy had to start from the beginning, just like anyone else. His love for acting and his willingness to keep trying and learning made him the great actor we know today.

Social Media Presence

Timothy Shalloway is popular on the internet, too! On Instagram, he’s got many people following him – 20 million people, to be exact. That’s like if everyone in a vast city decides to follow him! He only follows two people himself, which makes him pretty selective about what he sees.

Timothy has shared 134 posts, including pictures or videos about his life or things he likes. His Instagram name is @tchalamet, so if you ever want to see what he’s up to or what he posts, you can look him up using that name. It’s an excellent way to see his life and what he enjoys sharing with everyone.


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Timothy Shalloway, like many famous people, has faced some tough times. Sometimes, people talk about him online, but only sometimes excellently. For example, when actors are very popular, sometimes rum rs start. Rumors are like stories that people share that might not be true. Timothy tries to stay away from drama and focuses on his acting. He knows that being famous can sometimes mean dealing with rumors or people not being nice.

But he tries to keep a positive attitude. This shows that it’s essential to stay strong and keep doing what you love even when things get hard. Timothy doesn’t let these things stop him from acting and being a good person.

Future Projects and Aspirations of Timothy Shalloway

Timothy Shalloway is always working on exciting new movies that his fans can’t wait to see. He loves acting and wants to keep doing it for a long time. Timothy dreams of playing all kinds of different characters. He wants to be in action movies where he can be a hero and in fun comedies that make everyone laugh. Sometimes, he thinks about being in a musical because he loves music and dancing.

Timothy is also interested in making movies himself. He wants to learn how to direct movies to tell stories uniquely. He’s getting ready for a few new roles we’ll hear more about soon. Timothy’s fans are excited to see what he will do next. He always tries to pick projects that are fun and meaningful. Timothy hopes to inspire other kids who dream of acting. He believes that if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve your dreams just like he does.

Timothy Shalloway Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Education, Girlfriend & More


Timothy Shalloway has many hobbies that keep him busy and happy when he’s not acting in movies. Here are some things he loves to do:

Playing B basketball: Timothy enjoys playing basketball. It’s fun, and it helps him stay fit and active. 

Reading Books: He loves to read all kinds of books. Reading helps him learn new things and go on adventures without leaving home.

Playing the Guitar: Timothy likes making music by playing the guitar. It’s a way for him to relax and be creative. 

Traveling: Exploring new places is something Timothy finds exciting. He gets to see different parts of the world and meet new people.

Cooking: Timothy enjoys cooking meals. It’s a way for him to try out new recipes and enjoy eating what he makes. 

Watching Movies: Since he loves acting, it’s no surprise that Timothy enjoys watching movies too. It helps him see other actors’ work and get ideas for his roles.


How old is Timothy Shalloway?

Timothy Shalloway is 29 years old.

What movies has Timothy been in?

Timothy has been in movies like “Call Me By Your Name” and has done a lot of acting since he started.

How tall is Timothy Shalloway?

Timothy is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Does Timothy Shalloway have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, Timothy has an older sister.

Who is Timothy Shalloway’s girlfriend?

Timothy’s girlfriend is Lily-Rose Depp. She is also an actress.

What schools did Timothy go to?

Timothy went to S 54 Booker T. Washington Middle School and then to Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts.

How much money does Timothy Shalloway have?

Timo hy Shalloway has a net worth of around $3 million.

Alexander the Great Height Mystery: True Measurements


Timothy Shalloway is a very talented actor who has shown us all how amazing he is in movies. From his early days in school plays to big movies, he’s worked hard to make his dreams come true. With fans worldwide and many exciting projects coming up, Timothy’s journey is something to watch.

Remember, just like Timothy, if you have a dream and work hard, you can achieve great things too. Thanks for learning about Timothy Shalloway with us!


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